Arrival Drum Play-Along (Book/CD)


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Arrival book
Arrival Drum Play-Along (Book/CD) $13.99

By Joe Bergamini with Dom Famularo

Arrival Drum Play-Along is an educational book/CD package for drummers. With tracks culled from Joe Bergamini’s 1996 solo album Arrival (which was co-produced by Dom Famularo), Arrival Drum Play-Along provides ten exciting, pro-sounding original tracks, accompanied by transcriptions from Terry Branam and extensive educational text from Bergamini. The book is designed to teach the user about many aspects of contemporary playing, and the songs are in different styles leaning towards rock and funk, including heavy rock, funk, rock ballad, pop, and prog rock. Designed to feature the drums, all the charts include fun and challenging rhythmic figures, and some contain solo drum breaks. The music is ideal for public performance at recitals, concerts, drum clinics, and similar events. Bergamini designed the package with this in mind, including a CD that contains each track in three different versions: his original album drum performance, the song minus drums with click (for practice and to simulate the in-studio experience), and the song minus drums with no click (for public performance—and to test your time!). The ballads in the package also contain the track with a soft shaker in place of a click, allowing for a time reference that is more subtle.

“I am so excited that these tracks are coming out for drummers to enjoy. These are great songs from 4Front guitarist Zak Rizvi, and they are so much fun for drummers to play. I think this will make great performance material for any drummer or drum school.” said author and Wizdom Media co-president Joe Bergamini. “Although drummers of any level can use and enjoy the book, I think intermediate and advanced level players will get the most out of it.”

6/1/21: The digital version of Arrival is completely updated with numerous corrections and changes to the transcriptions to match what Joe played. If you purchase any Hudson digital book, you automatically receive a free update of the book whenever corrections are made. Check out the digital version here:

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